Gotaku wo Naraberu (御託を並べる - Harping on the Same String)

Apr 25, 2019 11:16
Gotaku wo Naraberu

To say something selfish continuously or to harp on the same string is described as 'gotaku wo naraberu' (御託を並べる) in Japanese.

'Gotaku' (御託) is short for 'gotakusen' (御託宣) -- 'go' (御) is a polite prefix and 'takusen' (託宣) means "divine revelation."

In addition, 'naraberu' (並べる) usually means "to arrange something," but here it implies that "to say something continuously."

Therefore, the literal meaning of 'gotaku wo naraberu' is "to say divine revelations continuously."

Originally, 'gotaku/gotakusen' didn't have a bad meaning, but 'gotaku wo naraberu' came to have its current meaning because of people who said something selfish/tedious as divine revelations.



また、「並べる」は "to arrange something" を意味しますが、ここでは "to say something continuously" (何かを言い続けること)を表しています。

したがって、「御託を並べる」の文字どおりの意味は "to say divine revelations continuously" となります。

No. 1 Amop567's correction
  • Gotaku wo Naraberu (御託を並べる - Harping on the Same String)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • To say something selfish continuously or to harp on the same string is described as 'gotaku wo naraberu' (御託を並べる) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Gotaku' (御託) is short for 'gotakusen' (御託宣) -- 'go' (御) is a polite prefix and 'takusen' (託宣) means "divine revelation."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'naraberu' (並べる) usually means "to arrange something," but here it implies that "to say something continuously."
  • In addition, 'naraberu' (並べる) usually means "to arrange something," but here it implies that "to say something continuously."
  • Therefore, the literal meaning of 'gotaku wo naraberu' is "to say divine revelations continuously."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Originally, 'gotaku/gotakusen' didn't have a bad meaning, but 'gotaku wo naraberu' came to have its current meaning because of people who said something selfish/tedious as divine revelations.
  • Originally, 'gotaku/gotakusen' didn't have a bad meaning, but 'gotaku wo naraberu' came to have its current meaning because of people who said something selfish/tedious as if it was a divine revelations.
     The blue part is important because they aren't literal divine revelations ^^
Thank you very much for the correction! (^^)
No. 2 bazz's correction
  • Gotaku wo Naraberu (御託を並べる - Harping on the Same String)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Gotaku wo Naraberu
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • To say something selfish continuously or to harp on the same string is described as 'gotaku wo naraberu' (御託を並べる) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Gotaku' (御託) is short for 'gotakusen' (御託宣) -- 'go' (御) is a polite prefix and 'takusen' (託宣) means "divine revelation."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'naraberu' (並べる) usually means "to arrange something," but here it implies that "to say something continuously."
  • In addition, 'naraberu' (並べる) usually means "to arrange something," but here it implies that "to say something continuously."
  • Therefore, the literal meaning of 'gotaku wo naraberu' is "to say divine revelations continuously."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Originally, 'gotaku/gotakusen' didn't have a bad meaning, but 'gotaku wo naraberu' came to have its current meaning because of people who said something selfish/tedious as divine revelations.
  • Originally, 'gotaku/gotakusen' didn't have a bad mneganting,ve but 'gconnotaku wtio nara, beru' came to thave its current mehaning becad duse tof people who said spomkething selfish/tedious words as divine revelations.
     Your original version wasn't bad. I just tried to make it a little more natural. I wanted to erase 'tedious' because it makes the reading less comfortable, but I decided to leave it in for the sake of conveying the full meaning.
Good job!
The Lang-8 system made my last edit hard to read. Here is what it says:

Originally, 'gotaku/gotakusen' didn't have a negative connotation, but that changed due to people who spoke selfish/tedious words as divine revelations.

In my effort to make it natural, I changed a bit much on you, but I hope it helps.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I understand well. :)